SHARC Concepts System: How to Use The Concepts System to Access Data for SHARC Research Projects
What is the SHARC Concepts System?
The SHARC Concepts System provides investigators the opportunity to seek and be granted approval to access and analyze datasets from research projects conducted by members of the Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium.
Currently, datasets can be requested from the following projects:
Upon receipt of your Concept submission, a Concept Review Committee comprised of SHARC Core and Affiliate Faculty and PIs for the project site(s) from which data is being requested will review your proposed study. If the project is approved, you will receive access to the data variables you have requested.
SHARC Faculty who participated in the review of your proposal may request to join the Writing Group for your project. All outcomes and research findings that result in conference presentations or abstracts and/or peer reviewed publications are tracked.
To receive access to these datasets, prospective investigators must complete the SHARC Concept Submission Process as outlined below.
For SHARC Concepts System Policies and Procedures, click here.
What is a Concept?
A Concept consists of one or more specific research questions with defined aims supported by a fully-developed research plan and data analysis plan.
Concepts can be submitted to request approval for analysis of existing data, or to conduct an ancillary project to ongoing data collection (add new data collection or modify an existing project).
What is a Pre-Concept?
A Preliminary (Pre)-Concept enables the prospective Concept Investigator to claim a potential research project in terms of key variables even while the research question(s) and study parameters are still under development.
Pre-Concepts can be approved for a six month period after which the Concept Investigator is requested to transform the Pre-Concept into a formal Concept submission for review or relinquish the Pre-Concept entirely so that it becomes available for another prospective Concept Investigator to take up.
Pre-Concepts are available to SHARC Core Faculty or those working closely with a SHARC Core Faculty member.
What is a Revised Concept?
A Concept Review Committee, comprised of SHARC Core and Affiliate Faculty and PIs for the project site(s) from which data is being requested,reviews each Concept submission. In the event that the Committee determines that the proposed research plan or data analysis plan is insufficient or that the submitted Concept overlaps too closely with an existing SHARC Concept, the Committee may request that the prospective Concept Investigator submit a revision, a Revised Concept, to be reviewed again.
What is a Merged Concept?
A Merged Concept is a research plan that requests data variables from two distinct SHARC projects.
Concept Submission Process
Step 1: Submission Form
View this presentation for an overview of the Concepts process and examples of productive Concepts.
Complete and submit the Concept Submission Form.
For a copy of the Concept Submission Form, click here .
For a copy of the Concept Research Plan, click here pdf.
For a copy of the Concept Research Plan, click here word doc.
Step 2: Review Process
Upon receipt of your Concept submission, the SHARC Concept Review Committee comprised of SHARC Core and Affiliate Faculty and study-related researchers will review your proposed study. Committee members have 14 days to return review with feedback.
Approval: If the project is viable and does not overlap with an existing SHARC Concept and if the data is available to support the study, you will receive approval to access the data variables you have requested. SHARC Faculty who have participated in the review of your proposal may request to join the Writing Group for your project.
If approved, our Concepts Administrator will send the Investigator and Co-Investigators an approval letter.
Revisions Required: If the Review Committee recommends revisions, the Concept Investigator and Co-Investigators will have 14 days to upload a new submission form by visiting the Concept Submission Form and selecting “Revision”.
Step 3: Training Requirements
Depending on the dataset requested, Concept Investigator(s) may be required to complete specific trainings including University of Florida trainings as well as those related to IRB approvals.
The Concept Investigator is requested to contact a SHARC Research Coordinator to begin the IRB process.
Second, Concept Investigator(s) must complete and sign a SHARC Data Use Agreement (DUA) and/or a Department of Health Data Use Agreement (DOH DUA).
Please contact our Data Management Analyst Alex Li ( to complete the appropriate DUAs.
Please contact Data Manager Zhi Zhou ( to coordinate a time to develop a set of specific variables relevant to your research question. All analyses associated with this Concept must be pre-specified in the “Approach” section of your SHARC Concept Research Plan Form.
Please note: Before the Concept Investigator(s) can access the SHARC data, all requested forms must be signed and returned.
For the SHARC Data Use Agreement template, click here.
For the SHARC Data Use Agreement-Contact Registry template, click here.
Step 4: Concept Begins
Begin working on your Concept! Our Concepts Team will share the data with you for analysis and will also encourage you to work closely with the SHARC Working Groups available to you including a Writing Group and a Neurocognitive working groups
Please reference your Concept Approval letter for contact emails of your Concept Writing Group members and any additional resources suggested to you by the Concept Review Committee.
Step 5: Progress Reports
At the beginning of each semester (January, May, August), our Concepts Administrator will reach out via email to request Progress Reports for your Concept.
All outcomes and research findings that result in conference presentations or abstracts and/or peer-reviewed publications are tracked.
Step 6: Abstracts, Manuscripts, and Publications
When you begin to prepare an abstract and/or manuscript for publication, please contact your SHARC Faculty Mentor and Writing Group for approval.
Following your receipt of approval from your SHARC Faculty Mentor and Writing Group, please complete and submit the SHARC Abstract, Presentation, and Publication Form for review by the SHARC Concepts Executive Committee before submitting your abstract/manuscript document to the selected conference/journal.
For a copy of the, SHARC Abstract, Presentation, and Publications Form click here
Abstract Submission: Please ensure that you have included the appropriately assigned co-authors and grant number. The grant number is available in Appendix A of the SHARC Concepts System Policies and Procedures.
Manuscript Submission: Please ensure to include the appropriately assigned co-authors, SHARC acknowledgment, and grant number. The SHARC acknowledgment and grant number are available in Appendix A of the SHARC Concepts System Policies and Procedures.
Publication Submission: Following conference/journal submission, please use the same SHARC Abstract, Presentation, and Publication Form to provide an update when your abstract/presentation/paper has been accepted. Upon acceptance of a manuscript to a journal, please submit the PubMed Central (PMCID)/NIHMS number(s) and DOI number through this form.
The Concept Administrator will respond within 5 business days of receiving your request to submit an abstract, presentation, or manuscript. If you do not receive feedback within that timeframe, you may email the Concept Administrator at:
SHARC Concepts System Policies and Procedures
If you have any questions about SHARC Concepts System Policies and Procedures, please contact us at
Request Access to SHARC Data
To receive access to SHARC datasets, prospective investigators must complete the SHARC Concept Submission Process as outlined. You can begin by filling out the Concept Submission form below.