AWARE alcohol use among persons living with hiv remains a significant barrier for ending the hiv epidemic

The newest generation of wrist-worn alcohol biosensor shaped like a fitness tracker provides a great opportunity for improving alcohol use monitoring and intervention. This NIAAA funded project is the first study to validate the BACtrack Skyn wrist sensor in HIV+ and HIV- drinkers and evaluate its utility for research/clinical application. Eligible participants are invited to consume three beers in a simulated bar lab at the University of Florida while wearing the wrist biosensor, and also wear the wrist biosensor for two weeks in their daily life to test whether this is a valid and user friendly tool.


SHARC research happens at universities and in communities across the state of Florida. To learn more about each project and your eligibility potential, take a look at the opportunities available in your area!

Participants must currently:

  • Be 21 years or older
  • Be living with or without HIV
  • Drink an alcoholic beverage at least once a week


  • Yan Wang, PhD (Principal Investigator, University of Florida)
  • Robert Cook, MD, MPH (Co-Investigator, University of Florida) 
  • Robert Leeman, PhD (Co-Investigator, University of Florida)
  • Nancy Barnett, PhD (Co-Investigator, Brown University)

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