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Dr. Cook and the SHARC Team Visited Key West and Miami!

The SHARC Team traveled to Key West and Monroe County, Florida to meet with the Health Officer for Monroe County, Dr. Carla Fry, and several others involved in HIV Care and Prevention in the Keys. We met with three HIV care providers as well as leaders of…

SHARC Congratulates Dr. Preeti Manavalan on her K23 AWARD!

Title: Adaptation and implementation of a behavioral mHealth intervention to reduce anxiety and depression and end the HIV epidemic in the rural South. Aim 1: Seek stakeholder perspectives on a behavioral intervention that integrates community health worker-delivered counseling for anxiety and depression and mHealth support for HIV care engagement. Aim 2:…

Welcome Elijah Jordan to SHARC!

Elijah Jordan joins the SHARC team as a data analyst. Elijah took some time to tell us about his career path and to share a glimpse of his life away from campus. Tell us about your educational background.I graduated from Georgia College & State University in 2016 with a…

Welcome Dr. Natalie Chichetto to SHARC!

Dr. Natalie Chichetto joins the SHARC team as an assistant professor of epidemiology. Dr. Chichetto took some time to tell us about her career path and to share a glimpse of her life away from campus. Tell us about your educational background. 2005-2009 Bachelor in Psychology and Trauma Studies at…

Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) Annual Scientific Meeting 2021

From June 19-23, 2021, members of the SHARC team virtually attended the Research Society on Alcoholism (RSA) Annual Scientific Meeting. Check out the presentations and posters from our SHARC team: Presentations Monday, June 21 3:30 – 5:15 PM EST Effects of UPPS-P Impulsivity Facets on Subjective Alcohol Response and Craving: An Experimental…

College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Scientific Meeting 2021

From June 21-24, 2021, members of the SHARC team will virtually attend the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) Scientific Meeting. Check out the posters from our SHARC team: Posters Racial-Ethnic Differences in Trends in Alcohol Use Among U.S. Pregnant Women: Analyses of the National Survey on Drug Use and…

Welcome Arienne Shelton to SHARC!

Arienne Shelton joins the SHARC team as the Administrative Specialist with Dr. Cook. Arienne took some time to tell us at SHARC about her career path and to share a glimpse of her life away from campus. Tell us about your educational background.I attended grade school in Deltona, Florida,…

Welcome Dr. Anna McDaniel on the SHARC T32!

Dr. Anna McDaniel, Dean and the Linda Harman Aiken Professor of the University of Florida College of Nursing, is our new Co-Director (together with Dr. Cook and Dr. Leeman) of the SHARC T32 Program: TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE TRAINING TO REDUCE THE IMPACT OF ALCOHOL ON HIV INFECTION. Dr. McDaniel will lead the mentoring component…

2020 SHARC Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Meeting

On April 28th, the SHARC Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) met virtually to discuss current SHARC research projects and to plan for future research initiatives. The SAB, whose members are HIV and Alcohol subject matter experts drawn from across the country, guides the overall mission and aims of SHARC. At the…