Message From the Director

robert cook headshot
Dr. Robert Cook

It is December, and a new year is coming. Our SHARC team has already had two celebrations in December!

First, we were able to help celebrate World AIDS Day with community partners including the Positives Empowering Positives (PEP Club), the Black AIDS Service and Education (B.A.S.E.) and the Gainesville Area AIDS Project (GAAP). It is inspiring to hear from people who have lived with HIV and who support people with HIV – and each year brings new hope to finally eliminate HIV and its social and medical consequences. Thanks to Jose Colon, Chidinma Oli, and everyone involved with SHARC’s community engagement team for helping to make this a wonderful event.

Second, we celebrated several students and post-docs who “leveled up” in our SHARC Professional Development Program (PDP). Congratulations to Liva, Chidinma, Jake, and Nanyangwe! They have participated in our SHARC monthly meetings, working groups, and community engagement activities and met the criteria to earn a PDP certificate or trophy. In addition to getting a special SHARC t-shirt, they will have access to additional SHARC center resources to support travel or research or training expenses. Many other students, staff, and postdocs are currently working on levels 1, 2 and 3 in our PDP. Why not join them next semester? Thank you to Liana Hone for leading the overall PDP this year and to Vickie and Amy for their help with coordination, tracking, and party planning!

Best wishes to everyone out there for a wonderful holiday season.