SHARC NIH Award: Dr. Hwayoung Cho

Award Details

hwayoung cho
Dr. Hwayoung Cho

Dr. Hwayoung Cho recently received the NIH award K01AG09011 of more than $500,000 for her research project, “Disparities in Risk of Dementia among People Living with HIV using Real-World Data.” This four-year study will examine disparities in the risk of dementia among people living with HIV aged 50 and older, by leveraging large-scale real-world data linked with social determinants of health data sources, to develop a prediction model-based prototype early warning system to early detect those at high risk of dementia. A career development and research mentoring team (Drs. Jiang Bian, Robert Cook, Ronald Cohen, Ramzi Salloum, and Gail Keenan) will work closely with Dr. Cho in the areas of biomedical informatics, epidemiology, clinical psychology, medicine, and nursing.